Invoke Resolution 377 to Stop Genocide

Congressional Candidate Jose Vega Endorses Statement by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The reckless actions now being taken in the name of revenge have put the world on the precipice of an out-of-control regional war being unleashed in the Middle East. Namely, the two assassinations this week, of a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut, along with Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

We must act now to prevent the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip and a wider conflagration in the Middle East. Possibly up to 186,000 innocent Palestinians have been killed, according to a report by the Lancet.

To start, I am endorsing the statement by Chandra Muzzafar of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) based in Malaysia, which is addressed to all member states of the United Nations and calls for them to invoke Resolution 377 or the “Uniting for Peace” resolution. That resolution “resolves that if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or active aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with the view to making appropriate recommendations to members for collective measures, including, in the case of a breach of the peace or active aggression, the use of armed force if necessary, to maintain or restore, international peace and security.” Please circulate the following statement to as many people as possible, including representatives of nations, NGOs, human rights groups, and others:

Statement by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, Founder of the International Movement for a Just World

“Dear Ambassador,

Peace. I am writing on behalf of an international NGO committed to human dignity and social justice based in Malaysia. Like many other citizens groups, the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) is deeply concerned about the continuing catastrophe in Gaza and Palestine.

In spite of numerous calls made by people everywhere to Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire and to facilitate the unhindered flow of essentials — water, electricity, food,fuel and medicines — to Gaza, the Israeli government is impervious to any suggestion that it should end immediately the wanton massacre of civilians especially children and women who constitute the majority of those killed and ensure that famine does not claim any more lives in that narrow, congested strip of land.

Since it does not seem to be possible to restrain the Israeli government, we are now hoping that the UN General Assembly and Resolution 377 can be harnessed to curb Israel. The UNGA as you know can be asked to act if the UN Security Council has failed to overcome a prolonged conflict.

A special session of the GA can be convened and it can take a vote on the catastrophe in Gaza and Palestine in general. It is our hope and the hope of many other citizens groups all over the world especially the NGO, World Beyond War, the initiator of this global campaign, that your government will give wholehearted support to the proposal to adopt 377 or the ‘Uniting for Peace’ Resolution. It will give a pivotal role to the UNGA in bringing to an end the genocide in Gaza. Uniting for Peace can not only impose an embargo upon the flow of arms to both Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group. It can also disarm both parties to the conflict and send a huge number of unarmed peacekeepers to Gaza,the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. They will ensure that there is no armed clash in all parts of Palestine and even in Israel until a conference of all parties involved directly or indirectly in the conflict reach an agreement on restoring the full rights of the Palestinians, establishing a state where there is equality for all its citizens regardless of religion or ethnicity and the right of return of all Palestinian refugees is recognized and implemented.

JUST is confident given your commitment to peace that you will bring 377 to fruition in the coming session of the GA and help the land of the three faiths to enjoy tranquility and harmony once again.”

In solidarity,

Dr Chandra Muzaffar,

President, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

Jose Vega in Chinese Media after ‘Pottinger Intervention’

“He’s trying to lead us to war,” was the title of an interview conducted by China’s Global Times after Jose Vega and campaign activists Robert Castle and Simon Miller confronted the warmonger Matthew Pottinger at the Asia Society on July 2nd.

The interview was conducted on July 6, Beijing time.

Vega posted the recording on X and wrote: “My friends and I confronted anti-China hawk and Richie Torres advisor Matt Pottinger at an Asia Society event. While Pottinger proposes dismantling China-U.S. relations and separating Taiwan from China (which will end up in WW3), I proposed instead that the U.S. and China are not enemies and should join hands in the Belt and Road Initiative to promote peace and economic development. For this, I was thrown to the ground and choked by security. It’s no wonder Ritchie Torres is such an idiot when he’s surrounded by Neo-con spooks who get paid to lie.” 

Global Times reports that the trio was forcibly removed by security personnel at the venue. Vega was choked after falling to the ground while being manhandled by security, while Castle was violently aggressed for several minutes, including an episode where he was strangled in an elevator after an eyewitness had been told to leave the scene by the aggressor “security guards.” Police on the scene later conceded that the security’s violent and illegal behavior would justify the police taking them “away from the scene in handcuffs.”

Please watch the interview on the social media account of Global Times

On July 5 Alex Lo wrote under the headline ‘Why the Asia Society invited the wrong person to speak on China’ an opinion peace for the South China Morning Post, saying he thought the response of a member of the audience made perfect sense. He continues to quote from what Jose Vega said and mentions the belligerent behavior of the security policing the event. 

Lo ends his piece by saying: If it were true to its mission, the [Asia] society should make amends, invite the guy back – whoever he is – and give him the floor this time.’

Declare Your Independence!

An Independence Day Message from Jose Vega, LaRouche Independent Candidate, 15th CD in the Bronx

As we approach the anniversary of our nation’s formal Declaration of Independence to the world, on July 4th, 1776, it would behoove every U.S. citizen today to read that remarkable document, particularly the train of abuses noted for our separation from the British Monarchy.

Note not all, but some of those grievances noted by our revolutionary forefathers: “The History of the King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations…

He has erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world.”

Now consider how the United States has conducted itself on behalf of other nations. In Ukraine, we have sacrificed over 600,000 souls for the purpose of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia with billions of dollars of weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin made a very generous and reasonable proposal to back out of Ukraine in the Spring of 2022 as long as certain security guarantees were agreed to, such as the obvious non-admission of Ukraine into NATO. That was squandered by disgraced British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in typical fashion of the Empire he serves, but with no opposition from the President of the United States.

In Southwest Asia, we have allowed a genocidal regime to use more destructive force than we did on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, to kill off innocent children and women who have been condemned for terrorist acts they themselves did not commit. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister overseeing that sadistic mass-murder, is now scheduled to address our Congress this month.

What exactly are the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence now, if not unfulfilled, hypocritical documents to the vast majority of the world? Is the current crop of presidential candidates presented to the U.S. electorate qualified to remedy this situation?

Those who organized the greatest conspiracy in all of history, and successfully won their independence from the greatest military power in history, made it clear, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

I declare that it is not our duty to change the government of the United States, but to REMOVE those currently in charge of misrepresenting us on behalf of the Military-Financial Complex, Wall Street, and the corporate cartels that have hijacked U.S. policy and distorted our revolutionary humanist traditions. That’s why I’ve declared my independent candidacy for U.S. Congress against Richie Torres in the Bronx.

It is time that people elect themselves to take back their government.

You can help by financially supporting my campaign. I ask everyone that can do it to donate either $17.76, $176, or $1776 to my campaign this July, so that we can continue our fight in the Bronx.

I would then ask that everyone read the writings of Hamilton, Jay, Washington, and Ben Franklin, to understand the historical tradition of our country that has been stolen from you. There are now billions of people in the world in Africa, South America, and Asia, who aspire to create a new security and development architecture which will provide low-interest credit to develop their own nation’s economies.

Can we fulfill this wonderful opportunity that is presented to us today, avoid nuclear war, and create a community of sovereign nation-states as Franklin Roosevelt intended at the conclusion of World War II?

Will you declare your independence?

LaRouche Candidate Jose Vega Hosts Fundraiser with Jimmy Dore

On Thursday evening, June 6th, Jose Vega, a LaRouche Independent candidate running for Congress in New York’s 15th Congressional District, hosted his first major event and fundraiser at Bronxlandia, a venue in the Hunts Point neighborhood of the Bronx. Featured headliners included Jimmy Dore, a popular stand-up comedian and political commentator with over 1.33 million followers on his show, along with Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular of Due Dissidence. 

A crowd of well over 100 showed up to the event, with supporters of Jose from both the Bronx and from other areas. Several individuals who had volunteered to successfully get Vega on the ballot by petitioning New York voters over a six-week period starting on April 16th also attended, including some from out of state who flew in just to attend the event. 

The significance of the event was marked not just by its headliners, but by the intense diversity of the audience, as well as the support from those in Vega’s community. Majora Carter, a long-time business owner in Hunts Point, and the owner of Bronxlandia, the venue where the event occurred, opened it with impassioned remarks about her first encounter with Vega:

“I own a little café up the street, and the first time that he walked in, I was looking out the window and there was this really happy dude, playing chess with this guy outside, and it was Jose who was wandering outside the Bronx. He had no idea our café was there, but when he realized (it), we got to talking about what we believe to be the value of understanding and supporting our own community. 

“As a business owner, as someone who gets that, the fact that Jose is doing what he’s doing, I cannot tell you, as someone from this community, being so proud to know that there’s things I always knew to be true—that there is amazing talent coming from our neighborhood; and that we want to support ourselves, and we are also looking outward, because we are not just this insular people. We’re the kind of people who also understand that the world is something we can also take care of.”

Russell Dobular, a co-host of the Due Dissidence podcast, who has hosted Jose and his colleagues on his show several times, noted in his speech that Vega may very well be considered as the first to set the trend of political disruption and intervention against the gatekeepers of the Establishment class, who are so committed to endless wars and the never-ending financial assistance they are willing to supply to perpetuate these wars. The interventions of Vega and his colleagues on President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, former Secretary of State/CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Hillary Clinton, have had a profound effect nationally and internationally, inspiring many people to rise up and become active in a moral, anti-war, pro-peace process against the ever-increasing danger of war against Ukraine and Russia, and the brutal genocide in Gaza. Dobular remarked:

“When it comes to disrupting the civility politics so beloved of the liberal class, Jose has not only been at the frontlines, it’s fair to say he’s helped to set the trend. Jose represents a future where a new generation of activists working in politics, labor, and the arts is truly ‘woke,’ in the original sense of the word … that is truly awake to the failure of our system to address the needs of all our people, and rises up to challenge that system.”

Keaton Weiss followed up on the subject of Vega’s viral intervention against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in October 2022, and noted that when he first encountered Jose online, he was directed away from him, because of his involvement with Lyndon LaRouche’s organization. Despite that, Weiss invited him to his show, nevertheless, and found that he was anything else but some wild cultist: “I think a conversation with Jose could be a great demonstration in transcending political labels in order to forge common ground on the most important issues of the day.”

Weiss continued, noting that discussions about the danger of nuclear war and the ongoing genocide in Gaza being financed and supported by the United States, have shattered previous, outdated notions of what actually constitutes political dialogue in the United States. 

Jimmy Dore followed with his set. Most of his jokes covered the COVID-19 pandemic, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and related political topics. Dore noted towards the end of his set that he was “proud to be supporting Jose Vega.” 

Jose Vega thanked Dobular, Weiss and Dore for their contributions. He noted that it was the 80th anniversary of D-Day, where the allied forces worked with Russia to turn the tide of the war against the Nazis. Much like that moment in history, Vega said, this present moment marks the opportunity for independent voices, not just candidates, to actually take back their government in each of their respective districts. Vega noted that this was a process that involved many of his colleagues, with the purpose of having other people replicate it in each of the 435 congressional districts in the United States. The incumbent of NY-15, Rep. Ritchie Torres, who vociferously defends Israeli “Crime” Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s murderous campaign against the innocent children and women of Gaza and the West Bank, has taken over $600,000 from AIPAC, along with many other contributions from big, super-PAC type lobbyist groups, totaling at least $1.5 million. Torres’s unapologetic acceptance of these contributions translates into his advocacy of Gestapo-type laws, like the recently introduced Columbia Act, a bill Torres himself sponsored. This bill threatens to put monitoring agents in college campuses, such as New York’s Columbia University, to intimidate students now protesting Israel’s legally criminal actions. Vega said that his campaign is a message to sell-outs like Torres, and his controllers, who think they can buy a congressional district in a place like the Bronx, because they believe the people there are too ignorant to stop it. 

A Q&A followed, featuring all of the previous speakers. Weiss and Dobular, following questions from those who identified themselves as petitioners for Jose Vega’s campaign, identified the importance of their own active participation in that process, when they came for a weekend to do it. Weiss noted that he had not canvassed for any candidate since Bernie Sanders, when Sanders looked like a promising candidate, but was incredibly moved to speak to people in the Bronx who are itching for an alternative independent voice. Weiss asked the people in the audience who petitioned for Vega to stand up. 

This was no “headliner” event. The group of diverse, active, and passionate individuals who either donated or volunteered to petition for Vega made for an incredibly vibrant atmosphere. More will be done in the following days and weeks, particularly an intensive campaign to create a Bronx Freedom Summer, consisting of science, music, and economics classes in the South Bronx and other parts of New York City, noted Vega, at the event’s conclusion.

Real Patriots Diane Sare and Jose Vega Attain Ballot Access in New York

By Robert Castle

The May 28th filing of Diane Sare in Albany, NY. Credit: Jason Ross

Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see dangers only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people to surrender their interests. —George Washington, in collaboration with Alexander Hamilton, Farewell Address, 1797

June 1, 2023—If it weren’t for the widespread censorship, the violent repression of political dissent, and the ubiquitous atmosphere of cultural pessimism, the glaring irony would not escape any conscious person’s notice that it is, today, in the United States of America, generally seen as “radical”––or even downright “crazy”—to run for federal office on a policy platform of promoting the General Welfare, of bolstering the nation’s physical economy, of respecting international law, and of resisting and halting the dictatorial drive via proxy into multiple scandalous, suicidal, rapacious, imperial Malthusian wars.

Yet this is exactly what the two independent campaigns of Diane Sare for U.S. Senate in New York and Jose Vega for U.S. House of Representatives (NY CD-15) in the Bronx set out to do. Far from being “radical,” Sare and Vega represent, simply, a principled and unwavering commitment to a properly dynamic, revolutionary conception of the significance of the continued existence of the United States Constitution.

Drawing on the “capital of mind” stored within the various national and international layers organized around Lyndon LaRouche over the past fifty years––and drawing especially on an historical assessment of the cultural preconditions required for the political realization of the foundational principles of the constitutional republic of the United States of America in 1789––these twin candidacies have reached, and far surpassed, the egregious signature-requirements imposed by the State of New York on candidates who refuse to affiliate themselves with the increasingly criminal and hysterical “two-party system.” Though not yet officially “certified” by the party-run Board of Elections in Lower Manhattan, both candidates’ petitions have passed the challenge-period unscathed, and have thus become some of the only candidates in the state of New York to successfully gather the required signatures with a combined total of 85,000.

Diane Sare in Albany, NY, May 28
Sare turned in 70,000 signatures to the New York Board of Elections

To accomplish this patriotic feat, hundreds of volunteers flooded into the state of New York, and into the poorest Congressional District in the United States—the Bronx—some taking off weeks of work, with the revolutionary intention to uphold our constitutionally-protected electoral process, and to dispel the miasma of despair that has been induced in the population through decades of de-industrialization, and the consequent ravages of abject poverty and drug-affliction that have “trickled down” there from the official policies of “benign neglect” (Fn. 1) and “planned shrinkage.”

Vega characterizes his campaign as an instigation within the population for people “to elect themselves” in order to reverse these destructive policies and to rebuild the country.

Leadership To Uplift a Nation

As Diane Sare has publicly remarked on numerous occasions, the crisis facing the country urgently requires qualified leadership, yet there is no competent statesman either in office or in the running for president. Indeed, as the general petitioning results have shown, there is no high-profile candidate backed by a viable political movement who represents even the most basic standard of the continuation of the life of the species as U.S. policy.

What does exist is a sort of hellish zoo spread throughout the government’s various branches and “agencies,” of various factions of anti-American, anti-human, pro-oligarchy, pro-usury cowards, criminals, and imbecilic puppets of the likes of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Ritchie Torres, all of whom are capable, apparently, of little more than parroting the chauvinist lies they incestuously beget in one another’s otherwise-empty minds.

Jose Vega campaigning in the Bronx, NY, April 16. Credit: Pamela Drew

Meanwhile, “NATO” has perpetrated multiple drone strikes against the early-warning radar detection capacities of Russia’s anti-missile nuclear defense systems, to the insane howling cheers of the likes of Dubya-clone Adam Kinzinger.

This bleak reality makes the principled rigor of the Sare and Vega campaigns all the more crucial. A quick calculation shows that the whole petitioning process involved several hundreds of thousands of unique conversations between Sare and Vega organizers and New York/Bronx residents, just within the last six weeks. These conversations were all undertaken in good faith with citizens of all stripes by campaign volunteers, directly subverting the factionalized ideological groupthink of today’s cancel-culture.

During a meeting of the International Peace Coalition on May 31, Sare described one such interaction: “We met people who said, ‘What do you stand for?’ And I would say ‘Peace.’ And they would say ‘What? Well, don’t you think this war is really necessary?’” Sare described how people would then go through a litany of reasons of why the U.S. should be at war today, whether it was “supporting” Ukraine, Israel, or both. The irony is that the vast majority of people have not thought through how this actually benefits them as American citizens. Once such conversations are actually in process, the doors are open for a real discussion on doing away with the manufactured acceptance in a system of endless wars.

We must shatter the popular delusions pushing the U.S. into a nuclear showdown with Russia today, Sare said, and added:

The American people have a moral obligation to be involved in this process, and, rather than acting like two-year olds in a sandbox, to realize that they have to have a voice in the critical issues of the day…. The election should be a referendum on whether we’re going to plunge to thermonuclear war or peace.

We have to quickly create in the United States, and in the West in general, a stronger connection to the paradigm of the BRICS-Plus—what Helga [Zepp-LaRouche] has been calling for in terms of a new strategic architecture. The fact that this is actually emerging, and has been picked up by China, Russia, Brazil…. What is uniform about them? Their religion? Their language? Their form of government? Virtually nothing. But they find they can come together in a common interest for their mutual benefit, for the advancement of mankind. That was something that the American people used to believe in. So I would say that my intention, our intention here in the U.S., is that we have to bring the people into the debate.

Think Like LaRouche

Such a tragic situation as the current political crisis would in all probability have been averted, had Lyndon LaRouche been allowed to exercise his constitutional right to freely run for office, without the interference of the “dupes and tools” peddling the fallacious logics of the “invisible hand of the free market,” “British geopolitical strategy,” “the noble lie,” “the limits to growth,” and “the lesser of two evils.”

With LaRouche, our nation would have had a president who knew how to think like Ludwig van Beethoven, as Lincoln knew how to think like Shakespeare. As LaRouche identified Beethoven’s genius as that of an “epistemologist,” likewise, LaRouche’s unique contribution as an American philosopher and statesman grew out of his ability to sublate ideologies and revolutionize an epistemology through which the subject of universal history could be globally reassessed throughout the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st Centuries.

LaRouche identified what he called the “theological implications of the science of physical economy.” He thus saw the lawful interconnection of the cultural, religious, economic, scientific, military, and historiographical crisis induced within the United States of America by the abandonment of its own constitutional mandate to develop strictly its own national interests, and its consequent assumption of hegemony over the imperial domain of the NATO-aligned West, and its colonial outgrowths––none of which properly belongs to the U.S.

This wrongful possession took place through decades of terror-backed political jingoism, rampant historical erasure and revision, foolish abandonment of scientific progress, unthinking adoption of Nazi-derived cultural precepts, and military-strategic jumboism. In the aftermath of such folly is where we now stand, the crisis into which Sare and Vega have committed themselves to intervene.

The direness of the current world strategic situation, however, itself presents an opportunity to reawaken the nation’s true culture, and activate its true patriotic spirit.

The kaleidoscopic ironies involved all center around the undeniable fact that the United States itself––the very constitutional republic which had, in principle and in deed, dealt the first death-blow to the internationally-extended usurious oligarchical influences then operating through the auspices of the British Empire––has, through the now-rampant oligarchical and foreign-national influence within its own globally-extended military and monetary capabilities, become the enforcer of today’s analogous oligarchical faction.

Yet, despite the real threat of thermonuclear war, Sare and Vega both demonstrate through their commitment to the creation of political freedom, that the fatal aspect of these ironies does not need to predominate in our thinking. Through their optimistic adherence to the concept that mankind is fundamentally good, both maintain and prove that the world is surely on the brink of peace as well as it is on the brink of war.

Thus, just as the American sanctions of recent years against Russia have not only failed to “turn the Ruble into rubble” (as “Genocide Joe” expected), but have rather induced the political-economic circumstances in which Russia’s military standing has shifted decidedly in her favor––this despite the NATO sabotage of the enormous Nord Stream pipeline; so, too, the oligarchical financial interests parasitically lodged within the corrupted remains of the two-party system in Lower Manhattan, and the gangster-like control over the electoral process thus held there, have failed to contain the now-broadening political ferment surrounding the Sare and Vega campaigns.

Like the student encampments on campuses across the United States and the world, those hundreds of thousands of conversations undertaken by hundreds of dedicated volunteer campaigners in what is essentially an emergency war-time mobilization “to promote the General Welfare,” represent the outbreak of sanity in a world threatened by a grave concatenation of systemic crises. The patriotic world-citizens who reoriented their lives, putting everything on hold to drive and fly from Ohio, Missouri, New Mexico, California, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Canada, and elsewhere, into New York to put Jose Vega and Diane Sare on the ballot, prove by example that such an outbreak of sanity is what is actually meant by “the pursuit of happiness”—the American insistence on bringing about that which is better. Such an example is what must now be emulated and actuated, and that rapidly.

Campaigning, April 20. Credit: X/Jose Vega

With the leadership of Diane Sare and Jose Vega, eminently viable solutions, representing the culmination of centuries of the ingenious development of that most precious, infinite resource––“capital of mind”––can become again, against all odds, the international currency of a new American political discourse. Free-traders and their two-bit slavery-addicted theories be damned; the United States must join hands with the majority of humanity and fulfill its contribution to the common destiny of Humankind.

In that sense, the petitioning period represented just the beginning. The real work of continuing to transform the nation is still to come. As Sare said in the press release announcing her petitioning success:

Coming out of here we are going to be doing banner deployments, street deployments, field deployments…. We have to have the image of what the United States will do when it joins the Belt and Road Initiative, when we [in the United States] come back to our real patriotic revolutionary identity…. Whether we control what happens to the election or not, we have to win the policy, because if we don’t, none of us may be here to commemorate Memorial Day in the future.


1. The Democratic party incumbent, “Richy” Torres, describing himself as the “champion of Israel,” releases a daily logorrheic stream of AIPAC-laundered propaganda for the State of Israel, which recently culminated in his shameless endorsement of increased campus surveillance in his “Columbia Act,” directly on the heels of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech demanding just such increased militarization of our nation’s campuses. The much blathered-about “drastic rise of anti-Semitism on U.S. campuses,” is obviously in fact a rise in concern for the besieged people of Palestine, the majority of whom are, of course, Semitic. The only thing “Richy” Torres “represents” is the truth of the statement made by Washington in his prophetic Farewell Address, that, “The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is to some degree a slave.”

That is not even to mention the increasingly realistic fears of an actual thermonuclear confrontation between NATO and Russia, which Torres has also idiotically voted up during his term. As the case of the aggrieved self-immolation of U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell exemplifies, the actual citizens of the United States of America (as opposed to the various actuated puppets of foreign influence sleep-walking through the halls of our government)––or at least those citizens who still have enough mental courage and intelligence to figure out the basic contours of their own complicity in a synarchic program of global terror––are being pushed to the brink of absolute despair by their monetarily-coerced complicity in what is a military policy so self-doomed that it would make the goddess Ate herself cry out, “Stop! For God’s sake, stop!”

Jose Vega Speaks at New Bethel Baptist Church

On March 2, 2024, Independent LaRouche candidate Jose Vega spoke at the historic New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit, the historic church of civil rights leaders C.L. Franklin and Martin Luther King, Jr. The purpose of the meeting was to unite the interfaith community and the historic Detroit Civil Rights tradition as the path to awaken the moral fiber in the United States. 

By bringing together our communities, Muslims, Christians, Jews and others, to discuss how to achieve true Peace in Gaza and how to organize ourselves to implement this in the United States and abroad.