My economic policy proposal at the federal level consists of what the economist Lyndon H. LaRouche in 2014 called his “Four Laws.”
To begin to comprehend the scope and intention of this policy, it is necessary for you to understand the decades of political organizing through which these policies were formulated. But first, here are the laws:
The only location for the immediately necessary action which could prevent such an immediate genocide throughout the trans-Atlantic sector of the planet, requires the U.S. government’s now immediate decision to institute four specific cardinal measures — measures which must be fully consistent with the specific intent of the original U.S. Federal Constitution, as had been specified by U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton while in office.
(1) Immediate re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall Law, instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification as to principle of action.
(2) A return to a system of top-down, thoroughly defined national banking.
(3) The use of a federal credit system, to generate high productivity trends in improvements in employment, with the accompanying intention to increase the physical economic productivity and standard of living of the persons and households of the United States.
And (4), Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program.’ The essential distinction of man from all lower forms of life, is that it presents the means for the perfection of the specifically affirmative aims and needs of the human individual and social life.”
Although movements like Occupy Wall St. have continued to demonstrate the fact that the majority population of the U.S.A. is completely opposed to the usurious speculative criminality of our nation’s elite (Law 1), not all of these four laws’ details will be immediately clear to everyday people, the majority of whom are entirely unfamiliar with what is known as the “American System of Political Economy,” which was initiated by Alexander Hamilton (Law 2).
The regrettable fact is that throughout the course of the 20th century, an entire school of properly American economic policy-makers were effectively put into an Orwellian “memory-hole.” With the loss of such a historical tradition to link us back to the nation-building intentions of the founding of our constitutional republic (Law 3), we have lost sight of the necessity of technological progress for the liberation of humankind from the evil of oligarchism (Law 4).
In 1983, LaRouche said of his own career: “Since I returned from World War II, in everything resembling my political life today, all that which I have done has been informed by my resolution that neither Nazism nor anything like it shall return to rule mankind again.” Despite the fact that someone as famous as Mahatma Gandhi warned of what he saw as the rise of “super-Hitlerism” in the years after World War II, most people deluded themselves into believing that the evils of Nazism had been eradicated at the close of that war. The hyper-inflationary pattern of currency devaluation preceding the rise of Nazism in Germany, and the consequent Schachtian policies of extreme fiscal austerity of the burgeoning state-of-exception military dictatorship, constitute what in the 1950’s LaRouche had identified as essentially defining a “fascist economy.”
In the early 1970’s, when the circles around LaRouche began seriously organizing to halt the return of fascism in the United States of America, they did not then have direct knowledge of Henry Kissinger’s policy, now known through FOIA requests, as the National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM-200)––which was at the time kept classified and adopted as official U.S. policy.
This anti-life “policy study” deemed the natural procreation of people within the “Least Developed Countries” (read: darker-skinned countries) as a “national security threat” to the United States of America. Under this policy, the US came to brutally enforce around the world the imperialist oligarchical corporate interests through Kissinger’s treasonous influence: The official policy of the United States became the race-supremacist depopulation of entire portions of the planet Earth. Obviously, war and “regime change” were both major components of this depopulation policy; but forced contraception, forced sterilization, and other similarly barbaric and Nazi-like measures were adopted as “policy,” too.
The most insidious component of this policy of global depopulation is the Malthussian economic doctrines enforced by the controlling international institutions of the trans-Atlantic sector: An artificial economic backwardness was financially imposed on the majority of the world’s population through these institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, through political coercion and egregious restrictions on extension of credit.
Now, note the fact that such policies and economic trends as LaRouche had identified as being the hallmarks of a “fascist economy” were occurring within the United States during the same period as when the racialist depopulation doctrines of the NSSM-200 were being adopted as US foreign policy, from the early 1970s on.
To people ignorant of the full scope and grotesque details of these policies––their actual consequences––the terms “fascist economy” and “genocide” applied to such still-ongoing policies might sound difficult to believe. For those who can take in such a disturbing reality, and who can understand the actual definition of genocide as it was given in the Genocide Convention of 1948––it is an accurate description.
Today, if the current precarious “fascist economy” of the United States, along with its oligarchical international speculators’ schemes, were to go into a full-scale financial collapse, as is likely, the repercussions within all of the countries currently bound into usurious debt-obligations through the IMF and other institutions, would be a level of world-wide suffering unimaginably worse than the United States’ fabled “Great Depression.” This is immanent possibility is the context in which I put forward my economic policy.
That policy is: Begin an immediate, emergency-basis study of the history of the national system of political economy as it has existed in the United States of America, beyond popular mythologies such as “the invisible hand of the market.” Equipped with such knowledge, one can begin to understand the current global epochal shift occurring in favor of the principle of national sovereignty with the rise of the BRICS-Plus nations; only then can one know what national policy determinations are appropriate for the United States of America, today.